As I said, I have seen her speak more than I have actually read her work. I read Still last year. I highly recommend it for anyone, but especially for those who have been mucking through life's hard stuff and whose faith is suffering. It isn't that this book will cure what ails you, or that it will make your doubt dissipate. Rather, Dr. Winner's voice whispers in your ear, giving you reassurance and providing a companion for your loneliness and uncertainty.
I am finally reading Mudhouse Sabbath. It is a slight book, written in part at Mudhouse, a familiar-to-me coffee shop in Charlottesville. In the volume, Winner considers the shift that took place in her spiritual practices when she left Judaism and become a Christian. Several years into her new found faith, Winner discovered that she missed the intentionality of Jewish life. She explores eleven practices that she found important and considers how they might be applicable in the life of a Christian.
While reading the introduction, I was struck by this:
Practice is to Judaism what belief is to Christianity. That is not to say that Judaism doesn't have dogma or doctrine. It is rather to say that for Jews, the essence of the thing is a doing, an action. Your faith might come and go, but your practice ought not waver. (Indeed, Judaism suggests that the repeating of the practice is the best way to ensure that a doubter's faith will return.) This is perhaps best explained by a midrash (a rabbinic commentary on a biblical text). This midrash explains a curious turn of phrase in the Book of Exodus: "Na'aseh v'nishma," which means "we will do and we will hear" or "we will do and we will understand," a phrase drawn from Exodus 24, in which the people of Israel proclaim "All the words that God has spoken we will do and we will hear." The word order, the rabbis have observed, doesn't seem to make any sense: How can a person obey God's commandment before they hear it? But the counterintuitive lesson, the midrash continues, is precisely that one acts out God's commands, one does things unto God, and eventually, through the doing, one will come to hear and understand and believe.Upon reading Still, one sees this practice come alive in Winner's life. Through doubt and heartache and even rejection, Dr. Winner continues to attend church, to participate in liturgy, to pray (or, when she could not, to have others pray for her). She does this though she does not necessarily believe.
I have been in this place. I stayed in the realm of doubt and uncertainty for some time. Strangely, I always felt most comforted when speaking the words of the Confession with my church family. Many weeks, I did not honestly believe the words, but I felt secure resting in the arms of those who did believe.
I still have a lot of doubt to confront. I believe that I will always live with this tension. Yet, I am determined to continue practicing. By God's mercy, may I learn to believe in the deepest part of my being.
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